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Take the leap,
stick the landing, &
keep your life in balance

At Mid Dive, we're committed to walking with you through the "messy middle" of transformation.

You'll get the tools, accountability, and support

you need to approach change and uncertainty

without fear. Your success is our success, so let's stick the landing together!


What does “Mid Dive” even mean?

You know that nervous but excited feeling you get when you’re about to take a leap that'll change your life? When you’re feeling so bold and so all-in that literally
nothing could go wrong?

Then you probably know what comes next.

Your palms get sweaty. Doubt and fear set in. You even start asking yourself, 

"Am I sure about this? Is it the right time? What if I fail?"

When you don't have good answers to those questions, it's easy to turn away from uncertainty and walk back toward the discomfort you know and love, saying "I'll wait for a better time."


Or, maybe you did take the leap, but you didn’t land it. Did you say, “I learned my lesson” or “I’ll never try that again”?


I get it.


I’m so glad you’re here because now we get to fight through that resistance!

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Let’s Partner Together

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Change the way you think about change! Mid Dive's integrated approach to transformation will help you avoid the overwhelming anxiety of "what if I make a mistake?"

With our 1:1 support, you'll develop your ability to make difficult decisions quickly and overcome obstacles with confidence.


With 4-session and 12-session options,
you can choose the package best suited for YOU.

Speaking & Workshops

Elevate your event with Mid Dive's engaging
speaking and workshops, tailored to inspire
change and foster growth.

From effective decision-making and self-leadership to team-building and communication, our sessions are crafted to increase the change-readiness of your team!

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Meet Elliott Davis

Life and Career Coach

Elliott is your Life and Career Coach, dedicated to guiding you through the messy middle of life and career change. With a rich background in coaching, consulting, and leadership development, Elliott is here to show you how to embrace change and thrive in it.


He’ll meet you “mid-dive” and help you avoid freaking out in the face of fear and setbacks. I’ll help you stay in control, so that change happens THROUGH you instead of TO you.

Schedule a Clarity Call

Kickstart your change journey by booking a

consultation call. During this 30-minute chat, we want to hear all about you and the change you want to create in your life before talking about how Mid Dive can get you there faster,  with fewer scratches. No pressure, just possibilities. Let's map out your path to success together.

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Client Testimonials

I would recommend Elliott to anyone seeking coaching, without hesitation. Elliott has a unique way of asking questions that get at the heart of an issue faster than any other coach I've worked with. He is able to guide conversations that work to solve problems while also exploring personal tendencies and disrupting thought patterns. Perhaps above all, Elliott listens deeply and makes you feel seen. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it is a rare gift that I rarely experience. 


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